The breeding process of both french and english bulldogs is a very meticulous specific science.
we do everything from extensive health testing for genetic issues and OFA bone structures of parents as well as many of our parents have been champion titled. We do everything With every dog from progesterone testing in the beginning of every heat cycle, semen collection and analysis and cryo bank storage, to ultrasounds, reverse progesterone testing and c-sections and extensive round the clock care for both mothers and growing puppies until the time they go to their forever homes.
(They really are a phenomenal hand made breed when done properly.)
There are three types of artificial breeding methods we use to ensure the breeds continues to thrive.
- Fresh semen collection and artificail insemination (live coverage)
- Trans-cervical insemination (TCI) with fresh or unthawed analyzed and counted semen)
Surgical inseminations using quality stored semen or fresh collected semen.
*We start pre-natal vitamins before breeding all through entire pregnancy to birth*
35 days or so after being inseminated we confirm or deny viable pregnancy via ultrasound.
1.5 weeks before expected due date we can see with a x-ray how many heads and spines on the puppies expected so we have a idea of a number in the upcoming litter.
3 days before expected due date we start taking moms temperature twice a day, watching for a temperature drop below 100 degrees and hold. this temp drop signifies labor and delivery will be starting within 12-24 hours of that temp drop we then know it is time to get to the vet and get her prepped for a c-section.
the reason bull breed require c-sections is because of the way they are put together in bone structure and the puppies heads and shoulders are typically too wide to safely be delivered without complications to both mother and litter.
after mom is woken from anesthesia she is cleared with pain meds and antibiotics to prevent infection from surgery and sent home. Then our hand on dedication comes into play for around the clock care and time to making sure all pups are healthy and nursing well and mom is recovering and caring for her babies as well as we help her milk supply by giving supplements of real food and protein and vitamins to make sure she has enough milk to feed her crew and not deplete her own health and nutrients.
sometimes it requires us to bottle feed within the first week or so while mom is getting into the swing of things and adjusting to mommy life.
As we watch our puppies grow and develop individual one of a kind personalities it is a wonderful joyous time for us getting to witness the growth and development of the little lives we helped into existence. As they take on their shapes for their upcoming forever families and find right where they fit in.
we have them vet checked and give them all of their core vaccines here and make sure to follow a strict deworming schedule as well to ensure they go home as happy and healthy as possible.
these are all the reasons the quality bred French and English bulldogs hold their high value because of all the time, love, care and money we put into making them great!